文旅景观 / Scenery
Huashang Cultural Tourism has won praise from the industry for its outstanding design and humanized service and accumulated long-term partnership with well-known clients. Our projects covers various fields in terms of residential landscape, public cultural tourism etc. The newly-built cultural tourism team focuses on the essence of the project, maximizes the potential of the site and provides the most appropriate, economical and sustainable solution.
建筑设计 / Architects
Huashang Design & Planning services cover architectural design, urban design, structural and mechanical and electrical engineering consulting. Huashang also reached strategic cooperation with well-known institutions domestically and globally. With the mission of serving China's urban development and improving the quality of living and working space, we insist on the unremitting pursuit of excellent design, innovation and comprehensive and technical capabilities.
规划设计 / Planning
华商规划,秉持以责任规划城市的可持续发展理念,以国际化大都市先进发展经验为基础,鼓励跨行业多视角的合作,追求资源整合效率的最大化,并致力于成为全球最佳城市发展咨询合作伙伴。 华商规划年轻而有活力的团队毕业于世界各地的一流院校,拥有多名博士及博士后,硕士学历超过三分之二,视野兼具专业深度与全球广度。 华商规划在以下七大领域各有建树: 产业经济 | 城市中心 | 社区发展 | 生态环境 | 遗产保护 | 交通规划 | 休闲游憩 能够承担从区域战略规划、总体规划到详细规划、城市设计以及交通、景观、低碳、村镇及遗产保护等多元领域的综合规划,并践行独具特色的一站式综合咨询服务模式,为客户达成整体解决方案,持续不懈打造宜居中国城市规划品牌。
Huashang Design & Planning adhere to the concept of sustainable development. We pursue the maximization of resource integration efficiency and committed to become the world's best city development Consulting partners. We practice a unique one-stop comprehensive consulting service model to achieve a comprehensive solution for customers and continue to build a livable Chinese urban planning brand.
室内设计 / Interior Design
Huashang Design & planning covers the fields of construction engineering, interior and exterior decoration design, intelligence, fire protection machinery, steel structure, waterproof and anti-corrosion, environmental protection and other fields. There are hundreds of designer teams under Huashang and its affiliated organizations are all over South China, with complete outlets. To provide customers with a one-stop, integrated and systematic full-case service solution.

Copyright © 2020 广东华商规划设计有限公司 版权所有 网站备案:粤ICP备20063455号
公司地址:广州市番禺区钟村华商大厦 总机:020-31127201 设计项目接洽及投诉热线:18122162888

